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Early childhood educator


I am a state-certified early childhood educator. I am often asked what this job is. So here are some elements to introduce you to this exciting job 👍


  • I am an expert in child development from birth to 7 years old (and beyond…): From motor development, through psycho-emotional development to cognitive development.

  • I use observation, listening, play, pedagogy to accompany  children, parents and professionals.

  • I use the baby sign for children under 3 years old.

  • I support parents so that they can fully blossom in their parenthood.

  • I also accompany children with disabilities, developmental disorders, attention.

  • I support and train professionals working in the field of education (school teachers, early childhood professionals, etc.)

  • I have a keen interest in affective, social and cognitive neuroscience.

  • I am a follower of pedagogy by nature, member of Children and Nature Network.

  • My compass aims for the well-being of the child and those around him*


Education professionals and specialized establishments

Fille, cueillette, pomme

Education professionals and specialized establishments

Père et enfants

Education professionals and specialized establishments

Bien-être des parents


When a baby arrives, you can have doubts about your child: sleep, childcare, development, crying, emotions, needs... 

We also receive a lot of advices from family, friends, the internet and social networks…

We can also feel overwhelmed, exhausted or afraid of being judged.

Throughout childhood, questions arise.


I propose to accompany you in this new adventure that you are living. My goal is to allow you to be a fulfilled parent in accordance with your own educational choices to ensure the well-being of your child.


I accompany parents from the birth of the baby until adolescence. 

Rate: from 50€ per session online.

 School establishments (primary and nursery schools), early childhood structures and specialized education establishments.


I offer training for professionals and interventions with children on the management of emotions, child development, awakening to nature, yoga and relaxation.


I also offer supervision times.

Tarif: on estimate, contact me.

Classe d'art plastique

Parent-child nature workshops


Registration required: please provide me with the names of the participating children, their age (in order to adapt the workshops to children) and the mobile phone number of the accompanying parent.

Children remain the responsibility of their parents.

Payment on site by check or cash: €15 per pair (parent-child).


For more information about the next workshop : or

Fille, cueillette, pomme

Register for the Nature workshop

Please complete the form to register

Merci pour votre envoi !

J'accompagne les enfants et adolescents qui présentent des troubles du neuro-développement. Je conçois un projet individualisé d'accompagnement en fonction des besoins de l'enfant.

J'interviens dans les différents milieux de vie de l'enfant pour accompagner et guider les différents professionnels auprès de l'enfant (AESH, enseignants, professionnels de la petite enfance...).

Mes accompagnements visent le développement des compétences de l'enfant: relations sociales, communication et langage (je suis formée à la Communication Alternative et Améliorée pour les enfants qui présentent des troubles du langage), repères spatio-temporels, développement de l'autonomie, développement des compétences cognitives et de la motricité fine et globale. Je suis formée à la méthode ABA "Analyse appliquée du comportement".

J'accompagne aussi les parents tant sur le plan éducatif qu'émotionnel. 

Tarif: selon l'accompagnement, contactez-moi

Père et enfants

My services


Home parenting support

I propose to accompany you in this new adventure that you are living. My goal is to allow you to be a fulfilled parent in accordance with your own educational choices to ensure the well-being of your child.

50€ per individual session


Interventions in schools, early childhood structures and specialized establishments

I offer training, support and supervision for professionals and interventions with children.

On estimate,  according to needs


Interventions in schools, early childhood structures and specialized establishments

I offer training, support and supervision for professionals and interventions with children.

On estimate,  according to needs


Enfants et adolescents présentant des troubles du Neuro-développement (TSA, TDAH, Dys, TDI...)

I offer training, support and supervision for professionals and interventions with children.

On estimate,  according to needs

Regular international trips, contact me for more information​

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