You have undoubtedly noticed that it is now possible to book a parental and family coaching session on my Resalib page ( ).
Why did I choose this service's name on Resalib? Simply because it is a name that most families understand more easily. My job is, unfortunately, still too little known. Through this article, I would like to explain to you my job, the method I use and the areas in which I work as an independent home worker.
I am a state-certified early childhood educator . This means that I have completed practical and theoretical training at bac +3 level (it's an equivalent of a graduated level). This training allows me to support children of all ages (from birth) and up to adolescence. I am an expert in child development, parenting support and support for professionals who work with children. As an educator of young children, I observe children, their behavior, their skills, their development, their connection with those around them, their environment. I also listen a lot with kindness and without judgment to the child, his family, the professionals. I use games and I support parents by promoting their skills. Because parents, are the ones who best know their child.

Personalized support
I have been working with children for 10 years, first as a school teacher then as an educator of young children and director of a nursery. I share with you my observation: each child is unique .
While it is true that certain difficulties are "classic" such as difficulties related to sleep in toddlers, the reasons which are at the origin of these difficulties can be very different (linked to the child's experience, to his or her history, rhythm, diet, environment, rituals and own development, etc.).
Since each child, each family, each experience is unique, each of my supports is unique.
How does support take place?
For this reason, the support begins with a first session of approximately 1 hour, after a telephone exchange which will allow me to clarify your needs.
From the start of the session, I invite parents to explain to me the reason for my coming, I ask questions to help me understand the situation. Above all, it is a moment of discussion and listening .
I also observe your child, his way of playing, of behaving. I can also offer games to help me understand his behavior and his overall development.
During this first session, I support the parents to find tips for action or further understanding of the situation (for example, how to manage or prevent tantrums or major frustrations, etc.).
Some situations may require a second session in order to identify more appropriate supporting.
If this is appropriate, it seems important to me to give the child and the family a time to see if the support has served to change the situation. That is why I contact the families again a few days or even a few weeks after the session to see the progress . Either the difficulty is resolved or not. In this case, we can set a new appointment to adapt the support.
In case of regular support: presence of neurodevelopmental disorders
When a baby, child or teenager has a neurodevelopmental disorder (autism spectrum disorders, communication disorders, attention disorders with or without hyperactivity, motor disorders, dys-learning disorders, etc.), it may require more regular support.
What are these regular supports for? They are mainly used to support your child's development based on their specific needs . The themes can be varied and depend on the child's needs: communicate with your child, develop your organization (at school or in everyday life), develop your attention, develop your fine motor skills, promote your sensory awareness, develop your autonomy, emotion management, stress management…
During this support, I also remain very attentive to the specific needs of parents to support them as best as possible.
These regular supports are therefore tailor-made and the price, duration and frequency of this support can be adapted.
Supporting themes
Non-exhaustive list.

I intervene in the UK contact me for more information.
Reservations on the Resalib website for intervention in France only:
or for more information and for interventions in the UK: